Placement Process

Finding a perfect home for your loved ones

The Placement Process

As a family-led service, we know how important it is to find a perfect home for your loved ones and we understand the complexities of the placement process.

From an initial visit through to transition and beyond, we support and advise families at every step of the journey, even as circumstances change.

Referral & Assessment

Getting to know us 

Many placements start with family members who recognise how different we are to any other care provider and see the positive impact we can have.

Following an initial visit and a chance to get to know us, the next step is to seek a referral through social services or, when relevant, the health authority.



A referral is a request for a needs-based assessment to make sure that we understand the individual’s needs and aspirations.

This may involve meeting with family, school and any other people involved in the person’s life.


Offering a placement

If we can meet the individual’s needs, we identify the home that’s most appropriate for them and, hopefully, we can offer a placement.


If a placement offer is accepted and confirmed, our specialist transitions team work with all parties to ensure a smooth, well-organised transition process.


Because each person is unique, transitions may vary. This is reflected in the timescale, the frequency of duration of visits, the relationships which are built and the number of overnight stays before their final move-in date.


Looking Beyond

Adapting as they settle in

Because people change and develop, especially when they’re in a new environment, we continually monitor the needs of the individuals we care for and we’ll adjust our services as they settle in and grow.


Adjusting as they grow

We always maintain a close relationship with families and stakeholders, informing you of your loved one’s progress and we talk you through the ways we, and your loved one, are adapting.


Once a person has settled in and we’ve got to know them even better, we may recommend moving them to another of our services, but this will only be done if there is a clear benefit to the individual and with the agreement of their family and stakeholders.

Of course, the first step is getting to know us.

Meet Us

We attend a variety of events and exhibitions across the country each year and these are a great opportunity to meet us, talk about our services and for you to share your experiences.


We recommend attending events such as transition days, conferences and exhibitions so that you can gather as much information as possible about future options.


If you’d like to make an appointment to meet us, or if you’d like to visit one of our homes, please get in touch.


Upcoming Events

Kidz to Adultz South 2024
 2 May 2024  9:30 - 2 May 2024 16:00


Kidz South, Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre, Gate F, Farnborough, Surrey, GU14 6TQ

Details: Our friendly team will be on stand F5 ready to talk to you about transition to adulthood for your young people moving on from education, sharing our experiences and insights as a family led service.
Autism Show Birmingham
 21 June 2024  9:30 - 22 June 2024 16:00


Autism Show Birmingham, NEC, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, , B40 1NT

Details: Our friendly team will be on stand B7, ready to share information about our services and options post 19 after education has finished for young people with autism and complex needs.

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