Meet the Team – Anna Selby-Wells

Our ‘Meet the Team’ series continues with Anna Selby-Wells, Marketing Manager for Home From Home Care. Each instalment is designed to help you learn more about the people who promote or deliver the exceptional care and support at Home From Home Care.

Having graduated with a degree in French and Business, Anna spent a year working in France before returning to the UK to carve a career path more meaningful than the usual day job. Driven by wanting to make a difference, Anna found the perfect role promoting Home From Home Care’s range of dynamic specialist Residential Care Services.


What does your role involve at Home From Home Care?
My role involves forming connections and building relationships with parents/carers – representing Home From Home Care at the many transition school events, parents’ evenings and large scale exhibitions we attend, across the country.

I regularly present talks at events – sharing the story of how and why HFHC was set up, the company’s values and ethos of raising the standards of care, as well as our insights on transition from children’s to adults’ services.

I also support with visits to the homes for parents/carers and social workers/commissioners, who are looking at Home From Home Care as a potential placement for an individual.


Who do you manage?

I head up the Regional Ambassador initiative – set up to increase the opportunity to connect with and support parents at a targeted 160+ events nationwide. Based in various areas across the country, the new team of Regional Ambassadors attend events in their local areas on behalf of HFHC. There are 11 Regional Ambassadors who have already joined the team and we will be looking to expand even further in the upcoming months.


How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Passionate, empathetic, friendly.


What do you enjoy about your job?

I love everything about my job. It is so rewarding to travel across the country and speak to parents/carers about Home From Home Care’s dynamic range of specialist needs-led services and share the de Savary family story.  I also love the variety of the role, as every day is different. I interact with many different teams in the organisation and really enjoy working for such a people-orientated business. It is also extremely fulfilling when an individual moves into our service, as a direct result of a parent meeting me at an event.


What challenges do have in your role?

I can sometimes have emotionally affecting conversations with parents/carers at events. Transition is such a daunting and emotional time for families, but I enjoy making a difference by listening and helping inform parents about their options.


What has been your career highlight so far?

My very first presentation at the Autism Show in London! Since starting my role, I had been building towards this through specific training and self-awareness/personal growth. Giving a presentation to over 70 people at such a reputable event was pretty daunting but the feeling of completing this successfully (as well as enjoying it!), was certainly a highlight in my career so far.


What future plans are you looking forward to at Home From Home Care?

The Regional Ambassador programme is very exciting, and I am looking forward to expanding the team over the upcoming year – to increase the number of events we attend across the country. The more events we attend, the more parents/carers we can speak to, sharing the story of Home From Home Care and also giving them hope and inspiration for their own son/daughter’s lives.

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